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Home About SZICC Functional Platform Technical Service BBS
The most advanced software and hardware devices are equipped on EDA platform. And advanced technical means and manageable mode are providing service for IC designing company. IC project proving testing, IC manufacturing testing, testing techniques support, testing techniques training. Provide VLSI whole flow physical design service from table to GDSII.
We have IC engineers training,academic credentials and short-term training service.We also provide oriental training service for corporations and technical consultancy service. EDA entire environment solution; IC design network building maintenance; built and maintenance of corporation office network and website.
Copyright © 2003-2007 Suzhou CAS IC Design Center
Add:6-162,Phase I,No.1355,Jinjihu Avenue,Industrial Park,Suzhou P.R.C
Tel:86-512-62889000 Fax:86-512-62889111